Monday, May 29, 2006

Post-Pre-U-Sem-Syndrome aka PPUSS

I'm finally back from Pre-U Sem! Was quite a bitter-sweet encounter - hellishly painful during the course of it, yet I'm overcome by nostalgia whenever I gaze upon this photo...

We'll probably never meet again, but I doubt any of us will ever forget this experience. I've learnt much.

And life goes on...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.

I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.

Some fears in life are irrational - the fear of a car accident annihilating one's family ; the fear of an irreparable conflict with one's best friend ; the fear of waking up late for an important exam. Such is the power of human imagination that we so often cook up worst-case scenarios and look upon our creation with immense trepidation. We are our own Frankenstein. We set up barriers and safeguards against monsters spawned from our own apprehension and in so doing, sink deeper into insecurity and distress. Our horror stems from the thought of it happening, rather than the probability of it. Ironically, probability, rather than thought, is the non-human factor which we can't control.

Cogito ergo sum ; I think, therefore I am thrall to thought.

On a lighter note, Pre U Sem in a few hours. It's akin to a baby I've borne in my non-existent womb for the past months. I'm so excited I can't sleep! Anyway, I shall be incommunicado for the next 5 days except by phone. 'Ciao!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Talk about the past, for lack of a future.

"To have lived is not enough for them."
"They have to talk about it."

- Vladimir and Estragon (Waiting For Godot, Samuel Beckett)

How true of bloggers! Perhaps Beckett is right. We don't find meaning in life just living it, there's a need to share, to brag, to lament, or otherwise milk it for all its worth. I wonder - does this make every moment more precious, or does the preoccupation with the reminiscence that comes after denigrate our every act?

When I look back, years from now, I want to have no regrets. It might not be the best course of action, but sometimes it's not a decision between failure and success - The options are failure and regret. What I'm doing now, I do not to achieve an ends, but to deny myself the limbo of chance and hope that will be future regrets. If it can end beautifully, I'll make sure it will. I don't want to look back and say "It might have ended beautifully.". Just for the records, I am still sanguine.

Memoria praeteritorum bonorum ; The past is always recalled to be good. It's been over a year since the first blog entry that started as an effort to communicate with the AC fraternity. It's also been that long since this obnoxious, arrogant, pompous AC boy strode past the rusty gates of NJC and scoffed a snort of derision. He still thinks of himself as an ACSian, but NJ has taught him humility ; and conceit has matured to confidence.

Everything happens for a reason. Secondary school gave us our character, and we made that character ours in JC. The cookie-cutter secondary school graduates are now flavoured with individual identity - bitter, sweet, melancholic. How did the other 410-ers turn out?

I woke up today intending to thank some people and bitch about others on this god-forsaken blog. But I realize it's too early in the year and I still have to face some of them for a few more months.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

New Blog!

Aight I'm currently blogging at cos I don't have the time/life to upkeep a personal blog. It's a collaboration with the funky pre u sem people, so go check it out now before it disappears!

I don't have issues. I've a damn subscription.

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