Friday, January 14, 2005

Of Clubs And Societies, or A Pathetic Effort To Update This Blog.

Greetings, my fans! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates but school's been busy(what with mugger's club meetings everyday after school and stuff... more on that later!). As they say, quality beats quantity any day, so here's my feeble effort to bring this blog up to date...

First week of "real" school this week! Its actually quite relaxing, with the new lecture system. You can do as much or as little work as you want and no one will care! School rocks and NJ is quite fun actually, even after orientations!

This week, I joined(and started) so many clubs, with no intention of actually attending most of them! I've got soooooo many things to write about this week's events that I'm at a lost as to where to start. For today's update, I'll just introduce all the clubs I'm in currently(PE this afternoon made me retarded, so bear with me please).

The Supernatural Club-
This club was actually formed last friday after the mass dance party(which rocks, contrary to what some other less-informed being may prattle of). In a suicidal show of stupidity, the whole class, with the exception of some girly boys(*cough* Justin *cough*) and girls, went to explore the supposedly haunted toilet/storeroom in the science block. It was actually a disappointment though- the ghost did not appear, probably due to the crowd. Well, maybe we'll have better luck next time. Later that night, at KAP, the supernatural club was formed with the aim of exploring the paranormal, both in NJC and outside.
Founding members- 10(I think)
Fun Level- High
Possibility of official implementation- 0(Guess we'll just keep it un-official)

The Chess Club-
This club SUCKS! It is seriously under-equipped(I had to borrow pawns from the next table) and so BORING. Worse of all, its venue is a non-air-conditioned classroom! Well, I figured that since Chess is now a sport, its only logical that the players sweat it out like in other sports. And what better way to do so than to stuff a bunch of sweaty, stinky people into a minute room while stinging on electricity?
Fun Level- Zero
Comfort Level- Negative
Possibility of me attending it- Zero

Digital Video Club-
This club is quite fun, especially since one of my OGLs is inside. The club is pretty much self-explanatory- we film stuff. Finally, all my voyeur fantasies can come true. *Cue evil laughter* Even better is the fact that I'm allowed to skip the coming mass run if I'm doing the video coverage for it! Yay! Oh, did i mention they get a cool air-conditioned room with multiple Macs inside?
Fun Level- Medium
Comfort Level- High
Possibility of me attending it- 100%

Astrology Club-
I feel so ashamed to bring this up since I'm actually skipping the club's orientation as I write(or type, or use my telekinetic powers to transmit information to the computer. Guess which one it is). I've got my reasons- They were playing with coloured water and doing some SWEATY activities. Both of which I detest(maybe not the water but most definitely the disgusting body fuids). Besides, my new "going-home-partner"(Hah! You've just been replaced, Shaun!) did not want to stay. While I was there, I spoke with this senior from NJ's 1998 batch who is now a medicine graduate. I was made privvy to his Ultimate Secret Of Disrupting NS(TM)- taking medicine in university. Now, I feel so inspired to take medicine, which I had little interest in before. Based on what I've seen in the less than 1 hour I've attended, its quite an interesting club, though i don't really see myself staying back till 9pm in school just to watch stars.
Fun Level- Medium
Comfort Level- Low(Not sure though, since I did not actually see the room, if there is one at all)
Possibility of me attending it- Low

Went for this sport's trials on Wednesday(Or was it Monday? Having amnesia...). I was told I was a good ball-catcher. Apparantly, they did not see the piece of invisible string connecting my hand to the ball. What they did not tell me was the glaring fact that I'm totally helpless at throwing. Softball is also a filthy, muddy, SWEATY game. Obviously, my hygiene- conscious self objects violently to my participation in this activity. Add to that the fact that I'm allergic to balls(maybe I'll whine more about this later if I'm free), and softball is a no-no.
Fun Level- High(Its amazing how the repetitive throwing, catching and whacking of a spherical object can be so entertaining. Primitive pleasures is cheap though, and I'm not about to degrade myself to that level.)
Comfort Level- Very Low(Its a sport, what else can be expected?)
Possibility of me attending it- Nil(They wouldn't want me there if I wanted to anyway)

Mugger's Club-
This club was founded by your's truly, who happens to be its president. Its not actually a "Mugger"'s club per se, as we do go out of the library in our many excursions to the photocopy shop. The true aim of the club is to provide academic guidance for its members and as a center for sharing knowledge resources(ie. notes). We meet everyday after school in the library, attendance is flexible and members are allowed access to the vast selection of notes available to the club.
Its probably obvious by now that the club is actually a front for my secret fan-club, which is estimated to go multinational in a few years' time.
Current number of members- 7(Rough estimate. Since attendance is not coordinated, its hard(even for an omnipotent being as me) to remember everyone)
Comfort Level- High(until the cheapskate librarians turn off the air-conditioning)
Possibility of Official Implementation- Not at the moment.
Possibility of me attending it- Definitely.

Other clubs I'd like to join next week
- Publications(Missed this week's meeting due to amnesia.)
- Drama(Auditions next Thursday. Hopefully I'll be accepted into it!)

Another club I'd like to start is The Dessert Club. This club will specialize in tasting and rating all the 20+ ingredients found in the dessert stall, and researching the ideal combination of toppings.

So, that's all for the night. Expect more updates tomorrow/Sunday regarding new Commandments set by the Residential Slavemistress(ie.Mum), life in NJC, my allergy to balls, my experience in PE, and my miserable attempts on writing a blog.

Edit (Sunday): No more updates this week after all... I hope nobody was holding his/her breath. Check back next week for more!


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