Friday, January 21, 2005

Of The Muggers' Club, or My Shot At National(JC) Fame

One stifling Monday afternoon, in the NJC library, a responsible, nondescript man(ie. RuiYuan) sits with his pet monkey which, upon closer inspection, turns out to be yours truly. Avoiding attention from the suspicious librarians and neighbouring muggers, they hatched a plan of world domination...

They were the 2 founding members of The Muggers' Club- THE most prestigious club in NJC right now. What started as a joke turned into the ultimate dream- come- true as the club grew from the measly 2 members to an extensive membership of ~40(as of now, I am unsure of the exact numbers but I should be able to provide it once I receive all the application forms I sent out).

So, who are we?
GP teachers speak in awe of us. Students whisper excitedly by day in corners about the new, cool club in school and pray fervently at night that they'd be invited to join the club.

We are a society of muggers. Of academically inclined(mostly) individuals looking for a safe and friendly atmostphere to study(and failing horribly upon joining the club, since we're mostly just a bunch of loonies). Most of all, we seek the companionship of other muggers to spar our intellectual capabilities with and to seek to improve ourselves through these interactions. Some join for the prestige, of being able to be identified with the most- wanted club in NJC. Others join for the extensive resources of the club(notes and during emergencies, answers). No matter what their agenda are, every member has one true goal- the worship of me. Ok, so that statement just drove away the millions of young hopefuls who were listening intently. Actually, that part is just a minor obstacle(to some) of enjoying the extensive benefits of this club. Members are under no obligations to "worship" me or even listen to me. We're all just here to get our 4As. Which brings me to my next point- the club is not official... YET! I will try for official status once I'm guaranteed to stay in NJC(ie. March/April) Though this means that attendance or participation will not net you any CCA points, the sheer honour of being able to identify yourself with the club should be enough reward, no? Besides, who needs CCA points when you have access to academic resources and help whenever you need it, (thereby guaranteeing you your straight As)? NJCians(Yes, even the Year 2s and IP students), I urge you, come down to the library any day after school(attendance is flexible and non-compulsory) and join us in the quest for academic excellence!

Warning- Unregistered muggers are a menace to society. All mugging should be practiced under strict supervision of the public. For your own safety, and for the safety of others, get yourself registered today.

Executive Committee Of The Muggers' Club Or People To Avoid-

President- NgChengWei- Your friendly webmaster. Object of worship and target of numerous failed assassinations by the rival slackers' clubs(plural because they are just a bunch of slackers without coordination. And there's the communist bloc with their chairmen and the "democratic" bloc with their presidents. Not to mention the unregistered slackers.), of which he is an honourary member(supplier of intelligence and answers). You have 3 choices- approach him for details regarding the club and membership, wait for him to approach you or run like hell when he comes.

Vice President 1- RuiYuan- The other founding member of the club. Very responsible(according to him). The epitome of a true mugger, paling in comparison only to yours truly. Did I mention he plays for the school table tennis team too? Go Ping Pong Boy!

Vice President 2- Deborah- The un-official poster girl for The Muggers' Club. Combining phenomenal athletic abilities(Squash. The sport, not the drink) and supreme intelligence, she breaks the stereotype of sportsmen(erm, sportswomen). The cute exterior is just a bonus(a very nice bonus, I must add). She is what every mugger should strive to become.

Vice President 3- JiaLi- The only member of the Ex-Co not from 05s17. A testimony to the club's willingness to share power(what little we have). She is a mugger of great abilities. And she saved me from eternal damnation(Sharon Cross style) by lending me her answers for biology in the nick of time.

General Secretary- QianXin- For his hard work and dedication towards the club, he shot up the ranks from Secretary to his current position. Membership forms should be submitted to him(or just any other member).

Other job opportunities are available. Check this space for more details.


Blogger ashish said...

you know what ? this club has piqued my interest and i should perhaps set it up in weejay! haha.then perhaps, we could have inter jc mugger club competitions or something!

12:57 PM  
Blogger chengwei said...

of course, ashish.
i shall put you in charge of the weejay branch of this glorious establishment.
together, we will unite all the jcs in singapore, NO! THE WORLD! under the leadership of MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

9:03 PM  

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