Sunday, February 27, 2005

Of The O' Levels Results, or Your Very Own Custom Made Scenario Part 2

<14-16 Points>
You knew this was coming. From the time you opened that innocent looking NIE letter, you knew this was coming. There is no surprise except, possibly, for the lack of it. You had hoped it was a mistake, that it was all a big mix- up. You were wrong. Its time to accept the truth. Be grateful, because you had weeks to prepare and to mourn. Perhaps it is time to look upon your teachers in a different light now that your future occupation is amongst them?

<10-13 Points>
You expected better. Never in your life have you gotten this dismal score. Suddenly, it dawns upon you that your current prestigious JC will not have the likes of you. Lost and with no notion of where to go, you begin to cry, ignoring the stares of those who'd rather have your score than their own. Maybe you can be the cream of the crop in another, less esteemed college instead. But what's the point?

<8-9 Points>
You are elated, or at least you think you are. Just because you get to stay in your college of choice doesn't mean you're satisfied with your score though. You look upon your peers with 6 and 7 points with a tinge of envy. You could have been amongst their ranks, but somehow you didn't make it. You know you deserve better, yet you can't bring yourself to show your sorrow amidst the chaos for fear of agitating the 10+ pointers. Maybe you should've mugged harder during the examination. Maybe you should be satisfied with this most average of scores. After all, it'll allow you to stay on in your current college. Then again, maybe not.

<6-7 Points>
You did it! You've achieved the highest standard possible, or so you thought. A quick glance to your fellow 6/7 pointer shows that he/she beats you with more As. You follow the throng of satisfied acquaintances and leave the failures to their lamenting, all the while proclaiming your excellence. As you celebrate your victory, you can't help but feel inadequate amongst the more qualified 6/7 pointers. Nevertheless, you have done well and deserves whatever reward that was promised to you. Just try to do better than Dwayne next time ok?

-Perfect Score- 6 Points-
Damn you nerd! I wish you an early infirmity and a lonely life ahead. No girl/guy will fall for your non-existent charms. You are unable to hold a decent conversation and are devoid of all eloquence. As you look through your thick, ugly glasses for a friend to share your joys, you suddenly realize that you have no friends at all. You can't help but have the ominous feeling that something bad is going to happen to you. There is no one around who will speak to you. Your classmates stare at you with disgust- disguised envy. Soon, regret sets in as you hope you had devoted more time to personal relationships. There is no one to accompany you on the slow trudge home to another day of relentless studying.

No amount of points in this world can buy friendship. No matter what your score(be it dismal or exemplary), know that your friends will always be there for you. Whether to lend a shoulder to cry on, to celebrate with, or just to laugh with, they'll always be there.

-Wow! Can't believe I actually typed out that sentimental bullshit! The O's must be really getting to me...-

To everyone I know in NJ, and to everyone who knows me in NJ- I hope to stay, and I hope you stay too. If we have to leave, I hope I go wherever you go.

Check back tomorrow for scores, scores, scores and, did I mention? More scores!


Blogger dw said...

haha. wah u make me sound like the ugly bespectacled nerd O.o gd job anyway, u did ur best!

11:16 PM  
Blogger chengwei said...

I am so disgusted in you. Your very words reek of six- pointed sarcasm.

Just joking! Seriously, you really deserved your results.

1:39 AM  

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