Saturday, February 12, 2005

Of My Late Night Revelry At Marina Square or, A Lack Of It

CNY Day 2 deserves the title of Most Boring Day Of My Life (No relation to the most boring show in history- Days Of Our Lives)

In a suicidal display of filial piety*, I accompanied my dad, with our usual entourage of 2 cousins,to the open- air(and non- air- conditioned) can of festive human sardines they call marina square. What I didn't know when I signed up for this was that the rest of Singapore would be dropping by to say "hi" as well. Lets digress a little...

Of Filial Piety or, AngPao Fraud!
Actually, the real reason was my gratitude for the 2.1k angpao he gave me, 2k of which I may not touch in the near future and am currently excessively sore about it but will soon find a way to get by that restriction... NOT. In case you haven't realized, I am awfully PISSED off about that fact. Well, my bad for having entertained thoughts of actually spending that money in that span of 2 full minutes in which I actually got to HOLD it, after which they threw the wet blanket and said its going to the bank(read: un-retrievable(or at least, until I am "older" and conveniently, not in need of it) pit). Well, thanks for nothing. I'm sure my 21 year old self will appreciate all the money that my 16 year old self didn't really receive. But for now, let me be a sore bastard. Kudos to my sis for telling me how I'd be grateful for the money I cannot spend now(which is currently undergoing decay in the bank vaults). Easy for you to say, sis, when you get to spend your 2k...
Politically correct statement: I know what they're doing is for my own good. Yada yada yada... And I know that money will be mine(miiiinnnneeeeeeeee) sooner or later, and I'm grateful for it. *End politically correct mode*

But that doesnt mean I can't bitch about it.

As I was saying, we went to Marina Square. As I was saying, Singapore went to Marina Square.

Once there, I was appalled(and disgusted) at the immense crowd which we'd soon be part of, unless I can stop it. I couldn't. Touched by their determination(mostly caused by the $4 Esplanade parking fare) to accelerate their impending doom by voluntarily being assimilated by the crowd, I followed, rather foolishly. There were no survivors on this lifeless, boring night.

As I fought the crowd, now encroaching within viral-spreading distance, my idle mind whirled and actually started thinking! Once again, I question my existence, or rather, my temporary existance in this most unfriendly of places, Earth, or, at that moment, Marina Square. All civility aside, the burning question on my mind was "WTF am I doing here?".

Actually, I exaggerated a little(oxymoron alert!). It wasn't that boring after all. The overpriced, inferior food made me appreciate and admire the thousands of starving children in this world who didn't have to endure this subpar food.
Since we're always reminded to think of those who're starving in this world whenever we get food. Shouldn't it work both ways?- Those children in Africa should be reminding of us poor souls who've to ingest these subquality food just so that they'll starve. They should be grateful for their plight(or rather, good fortune to starve).

Of worthy mention(only in relativity to the whole event) is the exhibition on chinese weddings(I didn't really go in, but it looked interesting(NOT!) from afar)- I'll eventually be using a similar ritual to get rid of all my pesky sisters. I'd have enjoyed(NOT!) learning about it if not for the milling mass of sweaty bodies threatening to crush any stragglers.

After that whole hiatus, we went for supper at some overpriced food center(Maxwell) which happened to have monopoly on this night. Man does inflation run rampant during CNY! Well, at least I didn't have to pay for that meal(which explains my ravacious appetite).

All in all, a totally unenjoyable evening which left me worn, drained, slovenly and worse of all, sweaty.


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