Sunday, February 20, 2005

Of 10 Reasons To End My Current (State Of) Life, or Suicide Note From Your Ex- Friendly Webmaster, Who Will Be Missed... A Little

Firstly, my confession: Remember when I said there were more to JC life than Mugging and Skirt Chasing? Well, I lied. Other than those 2, there's only CCA, which can hardly sustain any intelligent being on its own. You either Mug or Chase Skirts. Failure to do either will result in a very boring JC life indeed. Attempting to do both will result in a massive influx of white hair(*cough* JianHui *cough*) and/or utter failure in both aspects. Well, for my crime, I deserve no less than death. But just for kicks, here're more reasons(in no particular order except that in which I think of them) why I should just end my current life right now...

Reason 10- Caffeine Addiction
Every morning, upon reaching school, I MUST have a cup of coffee(preferable with mint). And another one in every subsequent break. And another one for every opportunity to sneak into the canteen. And another one after school. And another one to sustain me on my way to the bus stop. And another one...
Well, you get the gist. From my point of view, I've got 2 choices- continue living with this addiction(why not? coffee tastes pretty good until the 9999th cup) or end it.

Reason 9- No Weekday Access To The Computer
This little box is my sustanence, my very essence, my support when all else fails. Since the start of this year, the residential slavemistress has ordered that there shall be no online activity for her puny spawn on weekdays. Sucks to be me, eh?

Reason 8- Horrendous Hair Which Adamantly Refuses To Grow Beyond Current Unsightly Length
Once again, there're 2 choices- continue letting it grow and hope it'll look presentable one day or shave it all off again. After some promises from supporters of my hair- growing campaign to supply me with manure, I've decided on the former, which kinda explains my current "neither here nor there" hair.

Reason 7- O's Results
Kinda self- explanatory but for the benefit for those who've been hiding under a rock for the past week, its coming. And I've lost all my previous confidence I had while taking the examination. Fortunately, there hasn't been any Letter From NIE which is supposedly sent to 14-17pointers.

Reason 6- Inability To pursue Passion In Lit
All you pathetic denizens out there, hear my plight!
Well, see, I've always had this interest for literature and I feel that I'd have fun even if I don't score well for it. In ACS(I), literature was the only lesson I actually LOOK FORWARD TO ATTENDING. But I should keep in mind that not everyone is Karen Liau(THE best lit chick, erm I mean teacher, in the world). And JC is my last chance to pursue lit(since I obviously can't do lit in the university if I want to attain my ambition of being a plastic surgeon) Currently, I've set my mind on dropping Physics for Literature, which brings me to the next problem- Physics is my best science. Seeing as its a choice between physics and biology(since chemisty is compulsory for medicine), I was contemplating dropping biology for literature. Easy choice, since I hated biology in secondary school. Then biomedical quiz made me realize that biology is the next thing to compulsory for taking medicine. So I'm left with the choice of either physics or literature. The Heart says Literature, but Logical Thinking Dictates Physics. I wonder if I can muster up enough courage at that final moment to choose literature over physics. As with all important choices I make, this will only be decided at the last second, and the final decision will definitely be regretted somehow, as with all other important decisions I make.

Reason 5- Cannot Go To The Maldives For CIP Cos Dad Says "Danger Lurks"
Screw it, then. I'll just go on the next overseas CIP trip instead. No way I'm going to some old folk's home for hours...

Reason 4- Have Almost Finished Reading Every Book In My Massive Collection
I used to think it was impossible but its coming true. The very fabric of logic is giving away, unless I can drag my fat ass down to Borders one day and start replenishing my supply of tomes.

Reason 3- The Things That Lurk In My Drawer
Skeletons of my past. Looking in my drawer reveals a large collection of unpainted, unhappy miniature figurines and paints worth my entire year(2004)'s allowance. I promised myself I'd start painting again, and the measly(relative to the unpainted population) number of intricately completed pieces beckon and challenge me to do better. Unless I can get my life in order(or rather, into a semblance of last year's unbusy schedule in which I reach home at 3pm sharp every day), I doubt I'll have the luxury of having enough idle time to pick up the brush again.

Reason 2- Kinda Screwed Up My SRP(Science Research Program) Aptitude Test
As Darren said, this was the first time I admitted that the paper was tough. Kudos to NUS for breaking this record. Managed 51 questions in 1 hour. Pretty fine compared to others who did 30+, but they had less options to choose from(I had the maximum of 100). In the end, it'll depend on how the points are calculated. Hopefully I'll be selected for SRP anyway, or else I'd just have to go for the STAR program from NJ.

Reason 1- I've Not Done Next, Next Week's Homework Yet!
And I'd bet my secretary(Now ex-, since he's been fired for being better than the President in mugging. Preposterous!) already have. I've got a reputation to keep up with here, and my secretary's being too effective a mugger. And the slacker's clubs are beginning to show their true mugger colours. Perhaps its time to reveal the real agenda of the Muggers' Society. *dark smile*

So many reasons to end my life. But for the sakes of my loyal blog supporters, I'll try to sustain myself for a while longer. Coming soon- Final Decisions, Acknowledgements, My New Fashion Statements and most importantly, The O Level Results.

Something new here...
Quote of the Year/Day/Hour/Minute/Second(taken from the book I'm currently reading)
"My doctor says that I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre, and that I am therefore exempted from saving Universes."- Ford Prefect, HitchHiker. Taken from the best book in the universe, which happens to be whatever book I'm currently reading, which, at this moment, coincide with The HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy. The probability of which happening is 1 to 9846254859162245.


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