Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Results Results Results, or Excuses Excuses Excuses

First things first, I've got a dismal 8 points. Secondly, I had to type this twice cos of my lascivious fingers which chose to click on the sexy refresh button. Really disappointing, especially since the subject that screwed me up was English Language(got a Freaky B3), supposedly something I was adept at. Anyway, here's the boring breakdown on my grades...

The Good,

English Literature- A1
Whoa! This really came as a surprise to rival that of the FREAK EL results! If you had seen me on the day of the examination, you'd never have expected me to do this well. I'd thought this was the one that'd break me, but I've been pleasantly surprised. Seems like I've just proven that excelling in Literature doesn't equal to a distinction in EL. Perhaps this phenomenon(of my results) is a divine sign directing me to offer Literature in A Levels?

Chemistry/Physics/E Math/A Math- A1
My bread-and-butter subjects. Not being arrogant but, I've never doubted my abilities in these and the A1s come as no surprise here.

The Bad,

Biology- A2
No surprises here either. I'd lost all interest in secondary school Biology ever since we had Tay as our teacher. Even before the prelims, I'd given up on this subject, choosing instead to rely on my other 4 Maths/Sciences. The extra A2 brightened up my otherwise downtrodden result slip though.


Combined Humanities(History)- B3
As with Biology, no surprises here since I'd placed all hopes on Literature. The only reason I took this subject at all is because it's compulsory. This additional B3 kinda marred my slip...

English Language- B3
FREAK Result here! Never in my life have I foreseen a measly B3 in this subject! I'd been confident of getting an A1 and maybe an A2 but never this disastrous result! I suppose the reason for my downfall here might be my slightly out-of-point composition. Well, guess I'll just have to try harder next time.

Contrary to what I've been preaching all day, I am satisfied(though barely) with my score. At least myplace in NJC is guaranteed. Hence, I believe my decision to celebrate all day and night(and a little bit more) is the right one.

Went out with some old friends. Went for lunch, went to rot at a lan gaming shop, went for dinner, and finally went to rot at some sleazy karaoke room.

Ah, the sinful pleasures of life...


Blogger ashish said...

heyyy man! i was shocked when i heard you got a 3 for English. i mean just look at the language you use on your blog. but then again, the people in cambridge just dont know how to appreciate a good essay.


10:19 AM  
Blogger chengwei said...

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9:28 PM  
Blogger chengwei said...

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9:57 PM  
Blogger dw said...

wah were u singing? did people's lik, eardrums die? omg post o level english is really power now siah...

10:37 PM  
Blogger chengwei said...

DW- Go tell that to Cambridge for me will ya? And threaten them with my singing!

10:48 PM  

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